
Taxi Direct Lelystad 06 33335451


Patient transport

Patient transport

With us you can also get transportation by taxi to any given hospital in the Netherlands. Our experienced and helpful drivers are happy to assist you.

If your visit is only for a short duration we can wait for you for the return trip.


How much does it cost?

We provide taxi services to all hospitals in the Netherlands at fixed rates. Our fixed rates are a lot cheaper than the meter rates that are generally used by taxi companies.

Our fixed rates for a taxi from Lelystad are listed in the table below. For a taxi from Dronten, Swifterbant or Urk other rates apply.

Fares for a taxi from Lelystad to:
AMC (Amsterdam)€110
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Amsterdam)€120
Bergman Clinics (Naarden)€85
Erasmus MC (Rotterdam)€220
Flevoziekenhuis (Almere)€75
Isala (Zwolle)€110
LUMC (Leiden)€175
Meander (Amersfoort)€100
St Jansdal (Harderwijk)€70
Tergooi (Hilversum/Blaricum)€90
UMC (Utrecht)€110
UMCG (Groningen)€220
VUmc (Amsterdam)€110

If you need to visit the hospital only fort a short time we can wait for you. In that case we will not charge you for the return trip, we will only charge you for the waiting time (€ 20 per half hour).

With us you can pay with cash, debit and credit cards. Of course you will also get a receipt from us. If you have any questions please feel free to contact met ons op.

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